• Our Mission

    CCC exists to help people grow in and go out.

    Grow in the likeness of Jesus so that we can go out and show His love to the world.

  • Our Vision

    Jesus once said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” It is our vision for Christ’s Community Church that we will be an extension of this invite. To be a community where all who are weary of life’s brokenness, loneliness, hardships, and abusive religiosity can experience rest in belonging to a diverse family seeking to live in healthy relationship with one another, following the example of Christ.

  • Our Values

    Here at CCC we strive to worship God, love others, share the message, and serve the world.

Our Elders

Our elders are the people who engage in the key tasks of developing and uphold CCC’s mission and vision and providing oversight for specific ministries and ensure that we are held to a standard of Biblical accuracy in what we teach and preach.

  • Jesse Micek

    Jesse is the elder for anyone with the last name that starts with a letter from A-F.

    He is also our Worship Elder.

  • Pat Powers

    Pat is the elder for anyone with a last name that starts with a letter from G-L.

  • Sandy Griffin

    Sandy is the elder for anyone with the last name that starts with a letter from M-Z.

    She is also the Prayer elder and leads our prayer team.

Our Deacons

Our deacons are the people here who help us assess the needs of the church, promote stewardship and hospitality throughout the church, and help collect and disburse resources to those in need.

  • Rey Magdael

    Rey is the deacon for anyone with the last name that starts with a letter from A-F.

  • Renita Ester

    Renita is the deacon for anyone with the last name that starts with a letter from G-L.

  • Butter McCaster

    Butter is the deacon for anyone with the last name that starts with a letter between M-Z.

  • Imelda Diaz

    Imelda is the deacon who is in charge of our Lord’s Supper coordination.

  • Linda Gruel-Neff

    Linda is the deacon who is in charge of our benevelence fund.