The Bible

We believe that the Bible is one library of documents, penned by many different writers but organically inspired by One Author: God. The contents of the Bible teach us everything we need to know about how to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and to best love the people around us.

The Trinity

At the core of the Christian Faith is a God who loves – the Father loves the Son, the Son loves the Spirit, and the Spirit loves the Father. We believe this makes Christianity uniquely beautiful because in identity and purpose God is selfless love. God reveals himself to be one being yet three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God, yet distinct. The greatest thing about this is that we are invited into this relationship to receive God’s love and show it to others.

The Father

God the Father is all powerful. He is the creator and sustainer of all things. He is in control of all things. He is all knowing and always present. He is holy, meaning he is set apart from sin. As any father should be, he is perfectly good, loving, and faithful to his children.

The Son

God the Son, Jesus Christ, became human to live a perfect life and died on the cross to bring people far from God to a relationship with him. He is fully human, so that his sacrifice can serve as a substitute for our own. He is fully God, so that his sacrifice is infinite enough to cover all those who put their hope in him. His resurrection defeated death so that those who trust in him would have new life and no longer fear death. Jesus is coming back in the manner in which he ascended to raise all people before God.

The Holy Spirit

God the Spirit guides, comforts, and sustains believers. He assures believers of their trust in Jesus. He convicts us of our sin while teaching and guiding us in the truth through the Bible. The Holy Spirit is continually remaking us into the likeness of Jesus every day.


Humanity was created by God in the image of God, which means that not only do we share common traits with God but that each person has intrinsic value and worth–so much so that God gave his Son as a sacrifice to save us.


Humanity was created in right relationship with God but, because of sinful selfish disobedience, is now separated from God. From birth, humanity is directly opposed to God. Because of our sinfulness, no one can do enough morally good things to have good standing with God. Any amount of sin places someone underneath God’s judgement, as he is perfect.


The death of God the Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross made a way for people to be right with God again. His blood, shed for undeserved humanity, was the sacrifice that satisfied God’s demand for perfection. The only thing that places someone in right relationship with God is putting faith in Jesus Christ and trusting that his death and resurrection was sufficient to pay for all their sins. Salvation is a free gift from God, not the goodness of any person or religious ceremony.


We believe that this life is not the end, but that all of humanity will exist eternally. Heaven is the full presence and weight of the glory of God. Some day, those who have put their faith and trust in Christ Jesus will experience this totally and fully. Until then, we can experience glimpses of this kingdom anywhere Christ is fully reigning. Those who live their lives in opposition to God will not experience the presence of God in eternity.

The Church

God saw it fit to gather a broken and bruised people and equip them them to carry the hope of Jesus to the world. We know it today as the church. These people commit to the teachings of Jesus, to sharing their lives together, and praying earnestly for one another. The church is the representation of Jesus to the world and have unity through the Spirit. They are called to seek justice, live humbly, and radiate the love of God to all people.


Baptism is a tangible representation of the forgiveness and new life we have in Christ. There is nothing special about the water of baptism, instead it’s what the water represents that is so important. Just as water washes away dirt from the body, so too does the blood of Jesus wash away all my sins.


On the night that Jesus was betrayed and arrested, he gathered with his followers and shared a meal of bread and wine that symbolized his body and blood. He instructed them to continue this practice until he comes again. We regularly celebrate communion as a way to remember the sacrifice and experience his presence through the Holy Spirit.